All appointments are REQUESTS until accepted. You will receive a text or an email notification to confirm that your request has been approved.

** If you are a NEW client looking to book a COLOR service, please book for a “consultation” only. A consultation is required before we book any services. The consultation is complimentary and is beneficial to both stylist and client. Because we have never worked with your hair before, this 15 minute appointment will ensure we book your future service for the correct amount of time. We will also go over your hair goals, your color history, your hair health, and pricing. 

*If your service is extremely straight forward (like a single process root touch up or toner/gloss), your stylist MAY consider forgoing the consultation- please call the salon to discuss at (845)-247-3924.

All new clients are required to leave a card on file when booking. Our receptionist will reach out to take the information over the phone. Please refer to our cancellation policy. **

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